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12 Major Scales

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Orthodontia for Musicians

Short Course in Orthodontia for Musicians Maurice M. Porter Originally printed in Bandwagon magazine in May, 1966. Revised and reprinted in Bandworld in December, 1991. You are an influential dentist.  Are you a skillful one?… Orthodontia for Musicians

Tips on Home Practice

Jeff Bolduc – For Band Students and their Families. It is hoped that parents go through some of the problems and solutions presented in this article together with their band student.  A willingness to… Tips on Home Practice

1st Place Band Builders

1st Place Band Builders have been developed through years of trials in both middle and high school band rooms.  The Band Builders method was designed to be an all-encompassing warm up program that focuses on scale… 1st Place Band Builders

1st Place Etudes

1st Place Etudes is a tool that Band Directors have been asking for. The 35 melodic studies will follow your band students from grade 6 well into high school with a systematic introduction to common… 1st Place Etudes